We offer four unique volunteer sites, two in the U.S. and two abroad - something for everyone!
Assumption Mission Associates (AMA) is a ministry of young adults (ages 21-32) in collaboration with the Religious of the Assumption Sisters in their mission to effect change in society through prayer, education, and community building. With the Assumption spirit, the AMA volunteers bear witness to Jesus’ love and the Church’s love for all people. The relationships they cultivate transform them as well as the people they serve. They exercise their commitment to service in solidarity and communion, in faith and in trust.
International Community in U.K.


Home of our volunteers

Home of our volunteers


Liz serve pancakes to the kids of the Walker neighborhood.


End of Service Award!
"Each of us has a mission on earth."
- St. Marie Eugenie
Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption
Elliot in the Philipines
The AMA experience is an engagement with faith in action- one which is aware of God’s presence at all times, within all people and experiences. This engaged faith seeks to understand and integrate beliefs and interpretations of the Christian faith into practice. This commitment includes personal and communal prayer, study, and liturgy.
AMAs are impelled by faith to work for the Christian transformation of society. They serve as partners in mission with the Religious of the Assumption. In ministries of presence and education, AMAs provide direct service to the poor and marginalized while also being transformed by relationships and reflection on those experiences.
AMAs are challenged to commit themselves to the common good, to see themselves as responsible for the well-being of others, and to “work with,” rather than “do for” in their ministries. This value, deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, entrusts them with the work of affirming the beauty of life, the integrity of creation, and the value of each person. Faced with situations of inequality, poverty, and injustice, AMAs commit themselves to build a society where there is more justice, more solidarity, and more humanity.
AMAs live in close-knit, joyful, communities characterized by a commitment to personal and communal growth, the values of a simple lifestyle, and the willingness to put “we” before “me” in thought and practice. This includes intentionality in the ways resources are shared and spent, cultivating a spirit of welcome and hospitality, and taking an active role in the community of AMAs, Religious of the Assumption, and ministry.